Saturday 15th March – Blackpool Tower Ballroom

Please read very carefully and take note of all times.


Tickets will be ready to collect from reception from Monday 10th March. No replacements will be issued so please do not lose them. We cannot vouch for purchased tickets if lost/forgotten when you arrive on the day.

All spectators & competitors require a ticket to enter the ballroom.

A limited number of tickets, at a higher price, will be available to buy on the day.

On the door price
£30.00 – one day
£40.00 – two days
£10.00 – upgrade from one day to two days

Any new/second hand outfits and poms should be paid for by Saturday 8th March.

Socks are on order and will be ready to collect with outfits/poms from Monday 10th March.


SECTION 1 – 12:00-3:30pm
12 & 13 years solos/pairs | 13 & under squad (Fireflies)

  • Promenade Tower Doors open: 10:30am
  • Ballroom Doors open: 11:15am
  • Competition Start: 12:00pm
  • Approx Finish: 3:30pm

SECTION 2 – 3:30-6:30pm
14 & 15 years solos/duos| Parents Solos

  • Latest Arrival Time for 14 & 15 year olds and any Parents doing a Solo on Sat: 3:00pm
  • Competition Start: 3:30pm

SECTION 3 – 6:30-10:00pm
16 & over solos/duos | 17 & under squad (Flyers) |18 & overs squads (Force & Fighters)

  • Latest Arrival Time: 6:00pm
  • Competition Start: 6:30pm
  • Approx Finish: 10:00pm

Checklist for the day of the competition

  • Full cheerleading outfit (top & skirt)
  • White cheer socks
  • Plain white trainers
  • Pom poms
  • Safety pins for your solo number
  • Foam fingers from pride of fever if you have them

Hairstyles for the day of the competition

  • Fireflies – French/German Plaits
  • Flyers – High pony, plenty of gel and hairspray
  • Fighters – High pony, plenty of gel and hairspray
  • Force – High pony, plenty of gel and hairspray

Extra important information

  • Arrival
    – Please arrive in the ballroom in your Fever uniform. Black performance t-shirt, black leggings, and fever jacket if you have one. No denim! If you don’t have any uniform please wear plain black leggings/tracksuit bottoms and a plain t-shirt (or your cheer top).

    – Please enter the tower via the promenade entrance. Those arriving at the start of the day will enter through the circus que. You will be guided by tower/cheer dance staff.

    – All competitors and spectators need a ticket (wristband) to enter the ballroom. There will be no replacements for lost/forgotten wristbands. Please make sure all tickets are secured to your wrist BEFORE you enter the Blackpool Tower.

  • Seating 
    – Fever will be sat in one area of the tower, on the ground floor and overflow on the second balcony. The ground floor is for those competing in each section. Those who have arrived early to watch friends/younger siblings we ask that you use the balcony seating.

    – Please check in with a member of Fever staff when you arrive so they can note your arrival time down.

    –  We will be reserving the first 2-3 rows of our seating for COMPETITORS ONLY. This is to stop us using the area in front of the seating for dancers but make sure we can still sort recalls for all dancers. Please do not sit on the first 3 rows as a non competitor or if you section has not started/finished.

    – Once seated get dressed into your outfit, please use the toilets provided. Changing in the ballroom is not permitted. Once dressed see a staff member for your solo number. You will keep your number on until you finish your solo section.

  • Recalls
    – Recalls for solos will be via the organisers microphone on stage and/or via WhatsApp. Fever staff will organise all children for recalls. Please make sure your child is sat with their pom poms on the allocated seats for the dancers.  We understand children will need the toilet but try and avoid taking them around the recall time.
  • Solo Presentation
    – After each solo/duo/fusion final has been danced they will present the finalist’s with their trophies this is to speed up the day. We kindly ask you walk round the edge of the dance floor when going to take photographs for presentation. This should only be after ALL places have been called.
  • Team Presentation
    – Please kindly let Fever staff members take a photograph of each team before parents rush to the front.
  • Food & Drink
    – The tower does not allow food and drink (except x1 500ml sealed bottle of water per person). If you are going to try and take food into the ballroom, please be prepared for your bag to be searched.
  • Questions
    – Any questions please ask a member of Fever staff and refrain from contacting Cheer Dance UK. We have direct contact with the organisers should we need to ask any questions on your behalf.
  • Videoing
    Only videoing of your child’s solo’s is permitted. Please DO NOT video any team. A member of the Fever team will be in charge of team videos.



Venue, safeguarding & other info can we found on the Cheer Dance UK website – Cheer Dance UK Website